Profit, true wealth and the anti-CEO playbook.

This month we watched a footballer supposedly wipe billions of dollars off the value of a megabrand with a single disdainful gesture, and WhatsApp splashing the cash on a global ad campaign. And then we stumbled upon an old favourite that we had to share with you – a TED talk by an “anti-CEO” who found true wealth transforming a community by investing in a factory. Money: it’s a funny old game.

Leadership · 4 mins 12 seconds!

Profit, true wealth and the anti-CEO playbook. 1

Profit v true wealth: the “anti-CEO playbook”.

What’s the difference between profit and true wealth? Chobani CEO Hamdi Ulukaya’s TED Talk, where he set out his manifesto for putting community at the heart of business, isn’t “new-news”, and we didn’t discover it this month. However, we were glad to stumble upon it again at a time when there’s still a degree of doom and gloom about the economy. It’s well worth 4 minutes of your life.

Brand influencers · 1 mins

Did Ronaldo really cost Coke $4billion?

Has the surreally-titled “Euro 2020” tournament produced one of the most amusing influencer/brand faux pas in recent memory, or simply a case of misattributed cause and effect? When megastar and health-living icon Cristiano Ronaldo pointedly hid two bottles of Coca-Cola from the cameras during a press conference, urging viewers to instead drink “agua”, Coke’s value dipped by $4 billion. But as gleefully as global media jumped on the story, the financial press has been quick to dismiss the glitch as standard market fluctuation. And the brand of water Ronaldo approvingly endorsed in front of the world’s cameras? Owned by Coca Cola.

Content marketing · 5 mins

Evergreen content: what it is and why you need it.

We enjoyed this piece about the value of evergreen content and its ability to bring in a steady flow of readers to your blog or website. So-called evergreen content stays relevant for a long time, can be indexed by search engines and bring new traffic to your site long after it was written. It’s the gift that keeps on giving, and needless to say, it’s one of our specialisms.

Social Media, Advertising · 4 mins

WhatsApp’s global campaign.

WhatsApp’s latest roll of the dice in its slightly weird charm offensive is to launch a global privacy-focused advertising campaign. After a massive public backlash against its new privacy policy, the Facebook-owned platform says it’s standing firm against pressure from governments to compromise on the way it encrypts messages. Authorities should “demand more security” rather than less, it says.


IKEA’s “moment marketing” hit the bullseye again as the brand rapidly released its new “Cristiano” water bottle for about £2 (see story above), and here’s a useful piece on how to sell on LinkedIn without using their paid advertising.

What’s cooking?

Can you afford not to work on your employer brand messaging?

Even in the post-pandemic economy, any organisation that needs to hire great people needs a strong employer brand. And though it seems complex and expensive, it’s not beyond the means of most businesses. Employer brand marketing is about sharing stories – which means it’s right in our sweet spot, and we love helping clients to do it. If you want to learn more about employer brand marketing, get in touch.

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